Alpha Caius And The Runaway Luna Novel Download/Read PDF Online

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Alpha Caius And The Runaway Luna Novel is a werewolf novel. It’s the story of an alpha werewolf. Alpha Caius And The Runaway Luna Novel is in portable document format.

All you need to do to download and read this novel is to have a decent internet connection. Once you download chapters of it, you can locate it on your device and click on it to start reading it. You can either read it online or download it for offline convenience.

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Synopsis of Alpha Caius And The Runaway Luna Novel

If you were to have asked me to pinpoint the moment my life fell apart and the world
that I knew came crashing down in an explosion of shattered hopes, wishes, and
dreams, I would’ve said it started the day my father called me into his oce.
As the Alpha of our large pack, located along the coast of Virginia, my father had a lot
on his hands. He was almost always busy, which made it even more surprising that
he’d call for me early on a Monday.
He sat behind his hand-crafted executive desk, wearing one of his tailored suits that
clung to his massive frame. All it did was highlight the dierences between us.
Where he was hard, I was soft. Where he was stern and disciplined, I was kind and
“Anastasia, come. Sit.” He beckoned me in a way one might call a beloved pet. “We
have something important to discuss.”
Much to his ire, I didn’t sit. I planted my hands on my hips and proceeded to tap my
stiletto, the ones he hated with everyber of his being, on the hardwoodoor.
His nostrilsared, and brown eyes darkened. Releasing an exasperated sigh, he
smoothed hisngers over his mustache.
“Fine, show one last shred of de ance. Get it out of your system, daughter. Hence
forth, your days of willful disobedience are at an end.”

Alpha Caius And The Runaway Luna Chapter 1 – 5

Alpha Caius And The Runaway Luna Chapter 6 – 10

Alpha Caius And The Runaway Luna Chapter 11 – 15

Alpha Caius And The Runaway Luna Chapter 16 – 20

Alpha Caius And The Runaway Luna Chapter 21 – 25

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